Thursday, November 20, 2014

Unicorns & STD's

Today is the day people, and I am running around like a crazy woman!  Hair in a pony tail- which isn't so easy since I chopped it all off 2 days ago, mis-matched hoodie and sweats, no make-up and going on my 3rd cup of coffee.  I hate party planning.  It never comes together like I envision it, but since the girls turn 1 today, I figure I better throw a kick-ass first birthday party!

Our theme is Tinkerbell and Periwinkle, you know, the twin sisters from "Secret of the Wings"! I wanted to Pinterest the shit out of this party, but that is not gonna happen!  It will still be super cute, just not the amazing spectacle that I had imagined.  Mostly because I'm a procrastinator.  As I am typing, the hubbs is hanging streamers.  We have 160 balloons to blow up--by ourselves, a cake to pick up, a house to clean, a year-in-review iMovie to complete, on top of a hundred other tasks to get done.  I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

When did birthday parties become so extreme?  I remember when I was little I used to have my parties at McDonald's where we would spoon-feed each other ice cream as fast as we could for party games! Nowadays, if you don't have your birthday kid make an entrance on a flying unicorn, with trumpets playing in the background, you're a horrible person!  That's ok, I don't have time for flying unicorns and trumpets.  The girls will have an amazing party with lots of family and friends and they will be SO spoiled, I'm sure!  I'll save the unicorns for when they turn 16 ;)

Here are their birthday invitations!  I think they turned out A-dorable!  We found them on etsy!

On a side note, my 13 year old son brought home a note from school that we have to sign and send back giving him permission to learn about abstinence and STD's in his health class--Awesome!


1 comment:

  1. The party is going to be awesome...The people who are attending love the girls and you...Need nothing else...Slow down, so you can enjoy the festivities...Hugs!!!:)


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