Saturday, November 29, 2014

Eff the Elf!

Do you know what I don't like?  I don't like the Elf on the Shelf.  Not one bit.  Don't get me wrong, I am not a Scrooge.  I liked him just fine in the beginning.  Like 3 years ago.  But now, he's just getting on my damn nerves!

What started out as a fun little tradition has turned my December into a month of headache!  Thanks to Pinterest and friends from school with parents who are obviously cooler and more creative than we are, we now have created an Elf-fiasco!

Our Elf, Smiley, used to just move around from counter to counter, room to room and hang out in the most obvious of places.  Not any more.  Now he has to have new Elf clothes each year to keep up with the other Elves that they hear about at school.  He can't just come and chill on the counter anymore, he has to be tied up, held hostage by other toys, making dinner, playing in the ingredients (that's not messy at all!), taking a marshmallow bath in the sink-and I don't keep marshmallows on hand, so that one called for a late-night trip to the store! Zip-lining, pulling underwear out of drawers, running toilet paper all over the damn house, building lego towers, making an Elf-angel in flour on the countertop......For the love people!  I can't keep up!  And my favorite part is that each night, the kids now write Smiley letters to take to Santa.....and they expect a RESPONSE!!  So now I have to learn to write and speak Elf!!  EFF!

And then come the mornings when Smiley wasn't in a new crazy predicament because Mom and Dad were too damn tired and forgot to move him.  We have used the following excuses: "There must have been a horrible storm at the North Pole and Smiley couldn't get home last night to report to Santa, so he just stayed here."  "I guess you guys were too naughty and he didn't want to tell Santa on you!"  "Smiley must have been too sick to fly to the North Pole last night.  Poor guy."  Ya, we are horrible parents.

Can we just go back to the simpler times?  Like, I don't want to rack my brain every night trying to come up with a new Elf-story.  I don't want to do it.  It's not fun anymore.  I miss the days when my Elf just sat on the shelf, with his little Elf smirk and his little Elf hat.  And everything wasn't such a big production.  Let's go back I say!  Either that, or one morning Smiley might not return, and the only thing the kids will find is a little tiny letter from a little tiny Elf, who had to return to the North Pole for good, because Santa needed him to help make more toys!  (Of course, that won't really happen, but what I'm trying to say is Eff this damn Elf business!)

Here is where Smiley is hanging out tonight.  Because we are lazy.  Happy Elf-ing December!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

This is what 12k looks like

Why do we as women have such a strong desire to have babies?  I know not every woman feels this way, but the ones who do know exactly what I'm talking about.  It's a deep, burning desire that is only filled by a tiny little flicker of a heartbeat inside of your body.  The heartbeat of a little babe.

I got pregnant with Z when I was 20, and with D when I was 23.  It was easy.  Effortless, really.  My sons were my whole world and I loved them more than anything.  Still do.  But I took for granted how easy these babies were brought into my life.  We decided we wanted kids, and we had kids.

Fast forward 10 years, a new life, a new husband, and along with that, a new desire had risen in me to have another baby.  My husband didn't have any children of his own, and we knew right away that we both wanted a baby together.  We decided to start trying the month after we were married, and guess what?  We got pregnant the very first month!  I know, over-achievers! "Whew, that was easy!"  Except that it wasn't.  We lost that sweet little life at 18 weeks and we were beyond devastated.  I felt completely empty.  Alone.  Lost.

Fast forward 3 years, countless medical tests and procedures, and there we were, no answers and no baby.  So what do you do when your desire to have another baby is so strong, so overpowering, and it's just not 'easy' anymore?  You either give up, or you try something new.  We tried something new.

IVF.  That word scared the shit out of me.  Basically you are paying a doctor a lot of money to give you a 50/50 chance at becoming pregnant.  Not to mention the months of meds and shots you have to give yourself just to prepare your body for a "pre-meditated pregnancy".  I didn't know if I was strong enough to do it, but I knew one thing;  I wanted a baby.  And I was prepared to do anything in my power to make it happen.

Fast forward 2 more years, and here we are, celebrating our twins' 1st birthday.  The road to get here has definitely not been easy.  But it was the road we were meant to take.  These girls were meant to be a part of our family, and we would not have gotten them on our own.  Thank God for modern medicine.  The ache I had in my heart for those 3 years is now gone.  I no longer feel like something is missing.  I don't have that empty feeling in my gut anymore.  We definitely aren't your typical family, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

Also, in case you were wondering, this is what 12 grand looks like!!

Getting excited to meet the Big Man In Red!

We are those parents.  The ones who get more excited than their kids to get all dressed up to go to the mall, stand in line for an eternity just to get a 2 minute melt-down picture with the Big Guy!  And I CANNOT wait!!

I have C & C's outfits all ready to go, I just need them to wake up from their naps to try them on and make sure it looks okay. (In case you don't know me, I have a slight obsession with baby fashion!) Here's what I've come up with, opinions welcome! Unless your opinions suck, in which case, you can keep them to yourself!! lol!

Reindeer sweaters and red jeggings from Baby Gap, leopard booties from Pottery Barn Kids, and bows from one of our favorite Instagram shops @littlemisskinlee!  

Of course, like a good mom, I'm making my older boys Z & D be in the picture too, they just don't know it yet! So my next mission is finding them something equally as cute/handsome to wear in the picture too.  Stay tuned for more Santa outfit updates!!!  xoxo

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Unicorns & STD's

Today is the day people, and I am running around like a crazy woman!  Hair in a pony tail- which isn't so easy since I chopped it all off 2 days ago, mis-matched hoodie and sweats, no make-up and going on my 3rd cup of coffee.  I hate party planning.  It never comes together like I envision it, but since the girls turn 1 today, I figure I better throw a kick-ass first birthday party!

Our theme is Tinkerbell and Periwinkle, you know, the twin sisters from "Secret of the Wings"! I wanted to Pinterest the shit out of this party, but that is not gonna happen!  It will still be super cute, just not the amazing spectacle that I had imagined.  Mostly because I'm a procrastinator.  As I am typing, the hubbs is hanging streamers.  We have 160 balloons to blow up--by ourselves, a cake to pick up, a house to clean, a year-in-review iMovie to complete, on top of a hundred other tasks to get done.  I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

When did birthday parties become so extreme?  I remember when I was little I used to have my parties at McDonald's where we would spoon-feed each other ice cream as fast as we could for party games! Nowadays, if you don't have your birthday kid make an entrance on a flying unicorn, with trumpets playing in the background, you're a horrible person!  That's ok, I don't have time for flying unicorns and trumpets.  The girls will have an amazing party with lots of family and friends and they will be SO spoiled, I'm sure!  I'll save the unicorns for when they turn 16 ;)

Here are their birthday invitations!  I think they turned out A-dorable!  We found them on etsy!

On a side note, my 13 year old son brought home a note from school that we have to sign and send back giving him permission to learn about abstinence and STD's in his health class--Awesome!


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

365 days

Do you ever wake up and think to yourself "Where in the hell did the last year of my life go?"  Well that's how I'm feeling right about now.

December 2012 was when we set off on our IVF adventure--I say adventure to try and convince myself it was hella fun!!  In March of 2013 we found out we were expecting twins.  And tomorrow, those twins will be 1 year old.  365 days.  52 weeks.  12 months.  525,948 minutes.  And we are still alive.  We survived.  And now here I sit, asking myself how in the hell did that just happen?  Where did all of that time go?  

The last year has been filled with about a gazillion diapers, a ton of poop, like so much poop you guys!  A lot of tears; both babies' and mine.  Probably a thousand bottles a week, not even exaggerating.  A trillion loads of laundry, a million lost binkis, an infinite number of hours of lost sleep, and like zero sex.  Ya, I said don't have a lot of sex with twin babies to look after.  

The good news is that I feel like the hardest part, the newborn stage, is now behind us and we can start to get back to a somewhat normal life--if there is such a thing.  The past year seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye, yet there were days that I felt had lasted a lifetime.  The girls are on the verge of walking and they are into absolutely everything; we have caught them snacking on the dog food more than once.  It's like we have reached our first big hurdle in a metaphorical never-ending race.  Tomorrow our girls will be 1 and we will move on to the next leg of the race.  Tomorrow we will have toddlers.  (dun dun dun)!

November 20, 2013
 November 19, 2014 (birthday eve)