Saturday, December 13, 2014

Well this was fun...(insert sarcasm)

So, remember how excited I was to get the kids' pictures taken with the mall Santa?? Ya, bagged that idea real quick! Instead, I decided to take them to a local photographer that is pretty much the same price as the mall Santa, but with better photos. The idea of the session is pretty cool: It's quick-which is great when you have 1 year old twins in tow!  You can choose to have them sit with the Santa they have there, or you can have one of the parents dress up in Santa gear, and be in the pictures (from the beard down). Super cool!  Their reasoning is that usually the kids won't cry if they know it's just mommy or daddy in a costume. Of course, Jeff jumped at the chance to play Santa and have his picture taken with the kids. 

Exhibit A:

Everything was going swimmingly, until "Santa" put the beard on his face. The girls wanted NOTHING to do with him!  Well, mainly Cali wanted nothing to do with him! 

Exhibit B:

And C:

We looked like a bunch of damn fools trying to get that baby to smile. Heck, I would have settled for frowny!  

Once our sesh was over, dad got changed back into his normal clothes, and that baby was SO SO happy, she clung to him the rest of the night. I'm pretty sure she was thinking: "I don't know who that fat guy was with that white crap all over his face-but I'm A-ok if I don't ever see him again, mmmkay?!"

As frustrating and as sad as I was that we didn't get pictures of the girls smiling, and despite the fact that one of the brothers bailed on the picture-taking festivities, I love these pictures!  They captured who our girls are and they show a loving and protective big brother and a dad who would dress up as Santa for a chance to be in on the action with the kids. We will have great memories with these pictures and I will love them forever! Tears and all!! xoxo